Starting new project - Getting Started

We use PHP for our Hello World example, but kool is a stack agnostic tool that can be used with any language and framework. For instance, check out our presets for easily creating projects using JavaScript frameworks like Next.js, Nuxt.js, NestJS, and AdonisJs.

Start a New Project with Docker in 4 Easy Steps

If you haven't done so already, you first need to install Docker and the kool CLI.

Please note that you'll need a basic understanding of how Docker and Docker Compose work in order to build a new project from scratch using Kool with Docker. Alternatively, minimize your learning curve by using one of our presets, which provide pre-configured environments for popular frameworks.

Also, make sure you're running the latest version of kool. Run the following command to compare your local version of kool with the latest release, and, if a newer version is available, automatically download and install it.

$ kool self-update

Create a working directory for your new project, and move into it:

$ mkdir my-project $ cd my-project

Create a docker-compose.yml file in the root of your working directory:

$ touch docker-compose.yml

Copy/paste into this docker-compose.yml file a simple, generic Docker Compose configuration for an app service container:

version: "3.8" # optional since v1.27.0 services: app: image: kooldev/php:8.0-nginx ports: - "80:80" volumes: - .:/app:delegated

As you can see, we're using a Kool-optimized Docker image for PHP 8 (using php:8.0-fpm-alpineas its base), which also includes an NGINX web server. We're mapping localhost to container port 80.

Create a /public sub-directory (in order to match NGINX's default root /app/public), and then echo some code into a new index.php file inside it:

$ mkdir public $ echo "<?php echo 'Hello World!'; ?>" > public/index.php

If you don't want to create a /public sub-directory, you can change the NGINX root by setting the NGINX_ROOT environment variable to /app in your docker-compose.yml file.

services: app: environment: NGINX_ROOT: "/app"

Use the kool start command to start up the service container defined in your docker-compose.yml file.

$ kool start

Once kool start finishes, you should be able to access your new site at http://localhost and see "Hello World!". Hooray!

Verify your Docker container is running using the kool status command:

$ kool status +---------+---------+------------------------------+--------------+ | SERVICE | RUNNING | PORTS | STATE | +---------+---------+------------------------------+--------------+ | app | Running |>80/tcp, 9000/tcp | Up 4 seconds | +---------+---------+------------------------------+--------------+

Run kool logs app to see the logs from the running app container.

Use kool logs to see the logs from all running containers. Add the -f option after kool logs to follow the logs (i.e. kool logs -f app).

$ kool logs app Attaching to my-project_app_1 app_1 | app_1 | SERVER STARTED app_1 | > Watching files for changes... app_1 | app_1 | info: serving app on

Use kool exec to execute a command inside a running service container:

# kool exec [OPTIONS] SERVICE COMMAND [--] [ARG...] $ kool exec app ls

Similar to SSH, if you want to open a Bash session in your app container, run kool exec app bash, where app is the name of the service container in docker-compose.yml. If you prefer, you can use sh instead of bash (kool exec app sh).

$ kool exec app bash bash-5.1# $ kool exec app sh /app #

When it's time to stop working on the project:

$ kool stop

When you're ready to start work again:

$ kool start

Say hello to kool.yml, say goodbye to custom shell scripts!

Think of kool.yml as a super easy-to-use task helper. Instead of writing custom shell scripts, add your own scripts to kool.yml (under the scripts key), and run them with kool run SCRIPT (e.g. kool run setup). You can add your own single line commands (see composer below), or add a list of commands that will be executed in sequence (see setup below).

Create a kool.yml file in the root of your working directory, and then copy/paste the code provided below into kool.yml.

$ touch kool.yml

Here's a kool.yml example to show you the types of commands you can add and use in your project to facilitate development:

scripts: composer: kool exec app composer2 node: kool docker kooldev/node:20 node yarn: kool docker kooldev/node:20 yarn setup: - cp .env.example .env - kool start - kool run composer install - kool run yarn install

As you can see in this kool.yml example, the setup script will do the following in sequence: copy your updated .env.example file to .env; start your Docker environment; use Composer to install vendor dependencies; generate your APP_KEY (in .env); and then build your Node packages and assets.

Here's a more extensible, Kool-optimized setup for docker-compose.yml into which you can easily add additional services (i.e. database, cache, etc):

version: "3.8" # optional since v1.27.0 services: app: image: kooldev/php:8.0-nginx ports: - ${KOOL_APP_PORT:-80}:80 environment: ASUSER: ${KOOL_ASUSER:-0} UID: ${UID:-0} volumes: - .:/app:delegated networks: - kool_local - kool_global networks: kool_local: null kool_global: external: true name: ${KOOL_GLOBAL_NETWORK:-kool_global}
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