How it works - Getting Started

How does Kool work?

Kool stands as a comprehensive suite of open-source development tools meticulously crafted to enhance the process of building and deploying modern containerized web applications. Leveraging Kool doesn't just improve your development environment; it transforms your entire development workflow, resulting in a significantly enhanced developer experience. With Kool, every step of the development journey becomes smoother and more efficient.

The way Kool delivers on these promises is by providing a unified and intuitive command-line interface (CLI) that seamlessly integrates with Docker and Kubernetes. Kool simplifies the complexities of setting up, configuring, and managing containers, allowing you to focus on your code and application logic. Behind the scenes, Kool employs custom Docker images optimized for local development and deployment, ensuring a consistent environment across different projects. Additionally, Kool offers pre-configured Presets for various stacks and frameworks, eliminating the need to start from scratch every time. This thoughtful approach streamlines the development process, making it not only powerful but also accessible to developers of all levels of expertise.

The kool CLI is the "command center" of Kool's suite of dev tools. If you haven't done so already, you first need to install Docker and the Kool CLI. And then, when you have time, get up-to-speed with the Kool CLI commands.

If you already have kool installed, make sure you're running the latest version with kool self-update.

Out of the box, Kool ships with a collection of Presets that will help you quickly kickstart local development environments for new and existing projects using popular frameworks and tech stacks.

As an example of the Preset developer experience, check out the Laravel preset.

Kool works with Docker and Docker Compose under the hood to spin up small, fast and reproducible local development environments. Kool provides a super easy, hassle-free way to handle the Docker basics and immediately start using containers for development, while simultaneously guaranteeing no loss of control over fully customizing and extending more specialized Docker environments. You always remain fully in charge of every detail of your Docker environments.

This is your Docker Compose configuration file. It should be placed inside your project and committed to version control. This file defines all the service containers needed to run your application (Docker images, ports, volume mounts, networks, etc), and follows the Docker Compose implementation of the Compose format. Over time, you'll probably make changes to this file according to the evolving needs of your project.

When you start developing in containers, you quickly realize the official Docker images are built for deployment, and not for the special considerations (and nuances) of local development. One of the most common and recurring problems we see are permission issues with mapped volumes, due to host users being different from container users. Kool fixes this problem, and many others, by creating custom Docker images optimized for local development environments. Learn more about how Kool optimizes its Docker images.

Kool loads environment variables from a .env file. If there's a .env.local file, it will take precedence and get loaded first, overriding variables in the .env file which use the exact same name. This helps define host-specific settings that are only applicable to your local machine.

It's important to keep in mind that real environment variables defined inline as VAR=value kool ... or via export VAR=value will take precedence over the same variables in your .env files.

In the realm of Kool, Recipes serve as concise sets of automated steps to tailor and enhance your project's environment. Typically, these steps involve the addition of new services to the docker-compose.yml file, complemented by companion scripts within kool.yml. These recipes come bundled with clear instructions and learning resources, empowering you to swiftly tweak and set up new functionalities in your development environment.

It's worth noting that Kool Presets are essentially compositions of different recipes. The modular nature of these recipes allows you the flexibility to use them independently, standalone, if you prefer to cherry-pick specific enhancements for your projects. This modular approach adds versatility to your development process, letting you customize your environment based on your project's unique requirements.

# see a list with all recipes available to pick from kool recipe

The kool.yml file serves as your Kool configuration file, defining scripts (commands) to execute in your local environment or CI/CD workflows. Place it within your project and commit it to version control. Think of kool.yml as an exceptionally user-friendly task helper. Rather than crafting custom shell scripts, you can effortlessly add your own scripts to kool.yml (under the scripts key) and run them with kool run SCRIPT. Scripts can be single-line commands (kool run artisan) or lists of commands executed sequentially (kool run setup).

Harness the power of environment variables within your scripts to parameterize them, adding an extra layer of versatility and flexibility.

Each Kool Preset auto-generates a kool.yml file with prebuilt scripts tailored for the specific framework or stack. You can modify this file and incorporate your custom scripts to streamline your development process and share knowledge across your team. For instance, include scripts to run database migrations, reset local environments, perform static analysis, and more. Consider the ease with which your team can onboard new members or developers with this organized and standardized approach.

# ./kool.yml for the Laravel preset scripts: artisan: kool exec app php artisan composer: kool exec app composer mysql: kool exec -e MYSQL_PWD=$DB_PASSWORD database mysql -uroot node: kool docker kooldev/node:20 node npm: kool docker kooldev/node:20 npm # or yarn npx: kool exec app npx setup: - kool run before-start - kool start - kool run composer install - kool run artisan key:generate reset: - kool run composer install - kool run artisan migrate:fresh --seed - kool run yarn install before-start: - cp .env.example .env - kool run yarn install

For example, use the artisan script in Laravel's kool.yml as follows:

kool run artisan tinker

Tip: be careful with the syntax of the environment variables used in scripts within kool.yml. It's recommended that you always escape the variable name properly to avoid parsing issues: ${ENV_NAME} - by using ${} you make explicit the boundaries of the variable name helping, thus to avoid confusion.

The kool.yml file is not just for kool commands. You can add any type of command that you usually run in your shell, such as cat, cp, mv, etc.

However, there's one important caveat – the commands you add to kool.yml are parsed and executed by the kool binary, and not in a general bash context. This means you cannot directly use bash control structures like if []; then fi, or redirection with pipes (cmd | cmd2). With that said, we do support input and output redirection (see below).

If you need to add a more complex shell command, you can use something like kool docker <some bash image> bash -c "", which will parse any bash script you need.

At the end of single line scripts like kool run SCRIPT, you can also add arguments you want to pass down to the encapsulated command. Single line commands, such as artisan, are like aliases, whereby additional arguments are forwarded to the actual command. For example, kool run artisan key:generate basically becomes kool exec app php artisan key:generate.

At this time, adding arguments is only supported by single line scripts. Multi-line scripts (like setup) will return an error if an extra argument is added to the end (i.e. kool run setup some-argument).

While commands in kool.yml may not run under an actual shell, we do support some shell syntax like input and output redirects. This means you can do things like the following:

# ./kool.yml scripts: # perform input injection from files import-db: kool docker mysql:8 -hhost -uuser -p db < path/to/some/file.sql # redirect standard output to a file write-output: echo "write something" > output.txt # redirect standard output to a file in append mode append-output: echo "add something else as a new line" >> output.txt # multi-redirect within a single command input-and-output: cat < some-file > some-new-file

Of course, the syntax is not as flexible as you would get directly in bash.

The redirect key must be a single argument (not glued to other arguments):

  • Correct: write: echo "something" > output.txt
  • Wrong: write: echo "something">output.txt

When performing an output redirect, the last argument after the redirect key must be a single file destination.

Learn more by taking a closer look at the kool.yml files in our Presets. They contain good examples of prebuilt commands that are ready to use in a handful of different stacks. If you need help creating custom scripts based on your own unique needs, don't hesitate to ask us on Slack.

Start work on a project by moving into the project directory and using kool start to spin up your local Docker environment. Once you're up and running, use the kool CLI to level up your development workflow.

Use the kool exec command to execute a command inside a running service container.

# kool exec [OPTIONS] SERVICE COMMAND [--] [ARG...] $ kool exec app ls

Look at the kool.yml files in the Presets to see other examples of kool exec commands used in scripts.

Similar to SSH, if you want to open a Bash session in your app container, run kool exec app bash, where app is the name of the service container in your docker-compose.yml. If you prefer, you can use sh instead of bash (kool exec app sh).

$ kool exec app bash bash-5.1# $ kool exec app sh /app #

If you added a database service, start a new SQL client session inside your running database container by executing kool run mysql (MySQL) or kool run psql (PostgreSQL). This runs the mysql or psql script in your kool.yml.

If you're working on a Node-based project, and you add more dependencies to package.json, use the kool restart command to restart your app container and load the new packages.

$ kool restart app Stopping my-project_app_1 ... done Going to remove my-project_app_1 Removing my-project_app_1 ... done Creating my-project_app_1 ... done

If you need your app container to use your local SSH keys to pull private repositories and/or install private packages (which have been added as dependencies in your composer.json or package.json file), you can simply add $HOME/.ssh:/home/kool/.ssh:delegated under the volumes key of the app service in your docker-compose.yml file. This maps a .ssh folder in the container to the .ssh folder on your host machine.

volumes: - .:/app:delegated + - $HOME/.ssh:/home/kool/.ssh:delegated

View container logs using the kool logs command. Run kool logs to see the logs for all running containers, or kool logs app to specify a service and only see the logs for the app container. Add the -f option after kool logs to follow the logs (i.e. kool logs -f app).

When you need to quickly share local changes with your team, use the kool share command to share your local environment over the Internet via an HTTP tunnel. Specify your own subdomain using the --subdomain flag. Since the default port is 80, you'll also need to use the --port option for Node apps (i.e. kool share --port=3000).

$ kool share Thank you for using expose. Local-URL: app Dashboard-URL: Expose-URL: Remaining time: 00:59:59 Remaining time: 00:59:58 Remaining time: 00:59:57

Kool supports any language or framework, so you can standardize the way you work across all your tech stacks. When it's time to stop working on your current app and switch to a different project, you can easily change local Docker environments by running kool stop, moving into the other project directory, and running kool start.

$ kool stop $ cd ~/my-other-project $ kool start

Pretty kool, right?

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Elevating your cloud deployment experience is a core aspect of Kool. Beyond revolutionizing local development environments, Kool seamlessly extends its benefits to the cloud, providing a streamlined and efficient deployment process. Cloud is the gateway to a simplified cloud deployment journey. Seamlessly integrated with Kool, it offers a platform where you can effortlessly deploy your containerized applications. By leveraging the power of kool cloud setup, you can seamlessly transition from local development to cloud deployment, ensuring consistency and minimizing friction in the process.

Each Kool Preset not only optimizes your local development but also facilitates cloud deployment. We are building deploying recipes for each Preset so you can leverage Cloud without the usual hassle and without fighting with Kubernetes.

Kool understands that flexibility is key. While Kool Presets together with kool cloud setup offer out-of-the-box deployment solutions, you have the freedom to fine-tune and customize deployment workflows to match your specific needs. Leverage the capabilities of kool.yml to add bespoke scripts that cater to your deployment requirements.

Discover a better way to deploy your containerized applications to the cloud with Kool, ensuring a consistent and efficient cloud deployment experience.
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