Mailhog - Snippets


MailHog is an email testing tool for developers.


mailhog is the name of the service container created below in the docker-compose.yml file.

By default, Mailhog starts the SMTP server on port 1025.

# do not use in production! mailhog: # Official Docker Image: image: mailhog/mailhog:latest environment: - MH_STORAGE=maildir # volumes: # - ./docker/mailhog/maildir:/maildir:rw,delegated ports: - "8025:8025" networks: - kool_local

By default, MailHog uses in-memory message storage and starts the HTTP server on port 8025.

version: "3.7" services: app: image: kooldev/php:8.0-nginx ports: - ${KOOL_APP_PORT:-80}:80 environment: ASUSER: ${KOOL_ASUSER:-0} UID: ${UID:-0} volumes: - .:/app:delegated networks: - kool_local - kool_global database: image: mysql:8.0 command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password ports: - ${KOOL_DATABASE_PORT:-3306}:3306 environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: ${DB_PASSWORD-rootpass} MYSQL_DATABASE: ${DB_DATABASE-database} MYSQL_USER: ${DB_USERNAME-user} MYSQL_PASSWORD: ${DB_PASSWORD-pass} MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: "yes" volumes: - database:/var/lib/mysql:delegated networks: - kool_local healthcheck: test: - CMD - mysqladmin - ping cache: image: redis:6-alpine volumes: - cache:/data:delegated networks: - kool_local healthcheck: test: - CMD - redis-cli - ping + mailhog: + # Official Docker Image: + image: mailhog/mailhog:latest + environment: + - MH_STORAGE=maildir + # volumes: + # - mailhog:/maildir:delegated + ports: + - "8025:8025" + networks: + - kool_local volumes: database: null cache: null + mailhog: null networks: kool_local: null kool_global: external: true name: ${KOOL_GLOBAL_NETWORK:-kool_global}
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